Career events delivery: Top Tips 







Career events delivery often falls on the Careers Leader. Here are 5 tips for delivery that will help you improve your events and professional practice.

There are typically three different types of events that take place:

  • Careers talks – often a talk/presentation from an individual.
  • Careers Carousels – speed networking.
  • Fairs – Events presenting a range of available possibilities for young people.

All formats can take place in either online or offline formats.

Let’s look at 5 things you can do to improve your career events delivery.

Career events delivery: Number 1


Event management is complicated work.

Try to delegate before the actual day of delivery so that you don’t have to throw unexpected work onto others.

Be clear in your delegation, check for understanding, and have a communication method in place should they need help.

You might delegate the meeting and greet aspect of the work to the receptionist or a group of students. Or you might delegate a role for someone in the school to show people to their table or presentation area. Think about the jobs to be done and identify areas you need support. Fill the gaps, ideally a week or so before the actual event. 


Career events delivery: Number 2


Revisit your goals.


This is an excellent motivator. It reminds you of your reasons for running the event and aligns your focus. 99% things change last minute or there is a problem, but if you remind yourself of your original goal you’ll quickly resolve any problems you encounter on the day. There might be some stakeholders that benefit from being reminded of the reasons why you are running a particular event and the value the event brings to the students and the school.

Career events delivery: Number 3

Career events delivery

Content is King.

We’re seeing the rise in the culture of content because brands are publishers, as are universities, colleges and employers who are also becoming publishers. Some might shrug it off as noise instead of being a signal, but as channels, platforms, and devices become more proliferated, employees are becoming better able to be the voice of their brand.

When you join the Careers Calendar platform we will help you to fill your Careers Calendar with valuable content that engages your students with careers education, information, advice and guidance. Join us today.



Number 4



A big part of events is communication, before, during and after.

Take advantage of the unique URL webpage that is created for you when you use the Careers Calendar platform to highlight that the event is taking place. Remind all of your stakeholders that the event is taking place. Use social media to bring attention to your event.

Be visible during the event. If it is a careers fair, try to ensure you are the one greeting everyone with a warm friendly smile or go around the event area and say hello to everyone for coming. Take the time to thank them.

Career events delivery

Our final tip: Number 5

Career events delivery



Post-event take some time to relax. Event management is widely accepted as one of the most stressful jobs, so after each event take some time to relax. Easy said then done we can appreciate but if you use the Careers Calendar platform you can collect feedback from your student automatically which will help you to reflect on the performance of your event. Use the feedback provided in the Careers Calendar platform to measure your performance and to factor in how you develop your events further.

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