Better Career Decisions!

The Career Model Canvas is a creative strategic management tool for career development. It allows you to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot your career development.

Download today and get access to our video explaining how to use the Career Model Canvas!

Predictors of Happiness

Understand what makes you happy in work and life.

Your values

Reflect on your values – what’s important to you!

Your Values in Life

How will you express your values in work and life?

Your Career Ideas

What ideas do you have? Something specific or general?


What skills do you need to do the job you want?


Review your confidence and reflect on how to improve.

Skill Journaling

Apply skills journaling to your career development.

Labour Market Information

Use Labour Market Information to make better career decisions!


Understand who and how your network can help you. 

Answers to Your Questions

What is a Career Model Canvas

The Career Model Canvas is a creative strategic management tool for career development. It allows you to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot your career development. 

Who should use it?

The Career Model Canvas can be used by anyone, but is especially useful to those at the beginning of their career, career changers, and those wanting to develop their career further!

What happens when I download it?

You’ll get all three templates including instructions on how to use it as well as an instructional video. 

Do I use it once?

No. The Career Model Canvas is an evolving document you should use to reference but also to update as your test your ideas out.

What happens after I complete it?

After you complete the document we recommend that you place it somewhere visual. You might want to take a picture of it and store it digitally. But there is nothing better than keeping the printed visual representation out in full view. It will inspire you every day! You should aim to review often but consciously review your progress every month at a minimum.

Does it work?

It might work. Doing something is better than doing nothing. It will work for some and others. Like most things in life, it’s all about what you put in. Where we believe this is different to traditional approaches, we aren’t going to ask you what job you want to do. The economy requires you to be more flexible and your secret to success will be shaped by the building blocks you have in place for career development. This Career Model Canvas does just that – it enables you to put in the building blocks!

Our Latest Projects

Here’s some insight into our latest projects. Reach out if you would like to know more!

Healthy Mind, Healthy Career

– The Psychology of Career Development

Career Model Canvas

– Your personalised Career Development Plan

Careers Engagement Masterclass

– Supporting Careers Professionals with engagement

Antony AI

– Your personal AI coach


Harrow Careers Day – 9th July

– Schools Engagement



– Advisory Board Member

Studying Abroad

Design Thinking Events

Careers Calendar

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