Harrow Careers Day
Engagement and Recruitment Opportunities for Employers, Colleges, Universities, and Training Providers!The Careers Calendar is running at least two school career events in the London Borough of Harrow on Tuesday 9th July 2024. We are looking for a third school to run...
UKTIN and WM5G: Careers in connectivity: A new working partnership announced
As demand increases and new technologies emerge, so do the jobs within the sector. What is the telecoms sector? In short, it is the movement of information using electrical devices. You send a friend a text, send a colleague an email, or watch a Youtube video; the...
Using STAR in interviews? It’s not enough.
Using STAR in interviews? It's not enough. You will want to make an impression and ensure the interview answers you give score top marks and sound much better than other candidates. So, go beyond STAR and use the STAR+A method for answering competency-based...
Connecting your students to local apprenticeship providers and employers
Connecting your students to local apprenticeship providers and employers Research suggests that 74% of students would consider taking a professional apprenticeship; however, 47% know nothing about them. The Gatsby Benchmarks call for students to be informed about all...
Create certainty in uncertain times.
Create certainty in uncertain times. The latest news of a national lockdown presents new challenges for us all. While schools and Colleges are not part of the lockdown we acknowledge the challenge that the education sector faces, in particular Careers Leaders and...
Micro-communities in Student careers engagement
Micro-communities: building a successful careers engagement programme Let's get straight to it. This blog will explore what micro-communities are, why they matter, and explore ideas for how you can get started.What are micro-communities? "Micro" has...
Don’t think outside the box
Don't think outside the box Have you ever heard the saying, think outside the box? It is used widely and is supposed to mean to think differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective. To think outside is to look beyond the obvious things, but what if we...
The Careers Calendar launches scholarships for students
The Careers Calendar launches scholarships for students The Careers Calendar is offering scholarships to young people to help support their progression through education. The scholarships are each worth £500, and will be awarded to 15-19 year-olds who have overcome...
Have you completed your stakeholder analysis yet?
Have you completed your stakeholder analysis yet? Stakeholder analysis for Career Leaders forms part of the early stages of your engagement planning. Primarily, you need to assess who will need to be involved at different stages of the year as you plan different...
Connecting A-Level Students with their Futures – A Level Results Day 2020
Huge congratulations are in order for the A-Level students who have picked up their results today. As the first cohort to have ever had their exams cancelled, it’s been an A-Level results day like no other. Overall, 97% of students received their predicted grades or...